The Dreaming City
Bounties and Activity Completions
Retold Tale
The best and upcoming PVP weapon, this legendary Energy shotgun will become essential in the new season. Look into our services to grind this weapons and keep up with the newest content!
Petra Venj
Once you have completed the Forsaken Campaign and gained access to The Dreaming City you will unlock the Bounties & Activites on The Dreaming City.
Daily Bounties
We will complete the Daily Bounties that Petra Venj is offering. Rewards Baryon Bough, Dark Fragments & Legendary Gear.
Weekly Quests & Bounties
We will complete the Weekly Bounties that Petra Venj is offering. Rewards Dark Fragments & Legendary Gear. Gateway Between Worlds rewards Baryon Bough & Offering to the Oracle.
Must be 1350+ Power Level and completed the Forsaken Campaign.
Located in Lore “Dusk and Dawn”. Complete all 25 pages to claim this book. This service can offer time-gated lore, requiring several resets for the full book.
Strongest Curse Week Time-Gated Lore:
- Bone in Queen’s Court (bounty completion included in service) – FIDEICIDE II
- Bone in The Dark Monastery Mission (bounty completion included in service) – ECSTASIATE III
Time-Gated Ascendant Challenges:
- #1 Ouroborea (Location: Aphelion’s Rest) – IMPONENT I + NIGH II
- #2 Forfeit Shrine (Location: Gardens of Esila) – HERESIOLOGY + 2/5 IMPONENT II
- #3 Shattered Ruins (Location: Spine of Keres) – ECSTASIATE I + 2/5 IMPONENT V
- #4 Keep of Honed Edges (Location: Harbinger’s Seclude) – ECSTASIATE II + 2/5 IMPONENT IV
- #5 Agonarch Abyss (Location: Bay of Drowned Wishes) – COSMOGYRE IV + PALINGENESIS I
- #6 Cimmerian Garrison (Location: Chamber of Starlight) – BREPHOS III + NIGH I
Not Time-Gated Lore:
- Open World Lore – Fideicide III + Cosmogyre III + 9 Patrol Eggs
- The Shattered Throne (full completion included) – Katabasis + 4 Bones
- The Last Wish Raid (full raid completion included) – Palingenesis II
- The Corrupted Strike- Imponent III + Brephos II + Cosmogrye I
Must be 1350+ Power Level and completed the Forsaken Campaign.
Ascendant Challenge
We will complete the Weekly Ascendant Challenge that Petra Venj is offering.
The Ascendant Challenge rewards Dark Fragments & Legendary Gear.
Must be 1350+ Power Level and completed the Forsaken Campaign.
Shattered Throne
Sometimes referred to as a 3 man raid, the Shattered Throne is an endgame activity set in Dreaming City. Loot this activity to finish your Seal, for collections, or at the change to award the RETOLD TALE!.
The Shattered Throne rewards Legendary Gear & Emblems.
Must be 1350+ Power Level and completed the Forsaken Campaign.
- Must have completed the Forsaken Campaign
- Must have have access to The Dreaming City
- Must be Power level 1350+
Order Options
This service is done by account recovery only. Our team will sign onto your profile and complete the service.
Make sure you fill out our checkout form with the necessary details. We will send you a text and email before signing on.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click the boxes below if you have any of these questions. If there is something you don’t see, feel free to use our livechat or use our contact form.
Why buy this service?
This service is best used for completing your missing collections, acquiring seal triumphs and lore, and obtaining the RETOLD TALE!
Do I need the DLC?
You must have the Forsaken DLC for this service.
If I order an account recovery how will I know when you are signing on?
We always contact the customer via text/email before signing onto your account, and then again once finished. This is why we strongly advise including your phone number before purchasing so that we can communicate with you easier.
Do I require any specific weapons or armor?
No, we will use an item manager such as DIM to check what’s available.
If I order an account recovery how do I know you won't mess with my account?
We get this question all of the time. We are a completely legitimate website and have accumulated plenty of feedback from satisfied customers. Check out our feedback section. The bottom line is we will need your trust to do an account recovery, and all we can do is prove our history with reviews. You are more than welcome to change your password the moment we tell you that your order is completed.
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